Monday, June 29, 2009

*TrAveL WiTh No LiMiTs*

***Click here to view an amazing commercial Advertising the beautiful country of Jordan

As difficult as it may be to believe, Europe being very popular in tourism did not have much to offer to anyone looking to travel. I kept my eyes open for any single piece of advertisement through diverse channels of media regarding traveling and other outside cities or countries. I’m not sure why this is, but seems interesting that there would be none.

After arriving to Paris and getting comfortable in my hotel, I turn on the television and immediately take notice to a commercial advertising the luxuries of Jordan, a country in the Middle East. Within that half-hour I saw that commercial about three times, not to mention the amount of times I saw that same commercial by the end of the night. As time went on, I began to notice that there were commercials and advertisements about different European vacation cities all over Paris television. The cities being marketed included Macedonia, Greece, Ibiza, Croatia, Montenegro and, as previously mentioned, Jordan.

I took notice to the fact that all of the TV commercials were not only in English, but were also being targeted to American travelers. These commercials were being played on the many English channels that were offered in the hotels. Each country used a different advertising and persuasion strategy to lure their prospective visitors. For example, Jordan used its exotic characteristics and how one can make their trip unique and like no other by experiencing things with luxury the Middle Eastern way and Greece used a family attempt, luring its prospective guests with a family connection, promising and displaying family fun, new discoveries and forever memories.

In taking a closer look into all of the commercials as they were displayed , I observed their communication abilities and whether they were a success, considering it seemed to be the only way that travel and destination were being marketed from what I’ve yet to see in Europe. All of the above countries achieved success in the Four Basic Condition of Success in Communication (Prof. Villar, Shcramm 1955).
These conditions are:
1. Message must gain attention
2. Message must use signs which refer to common experiences between source and receiver
3. Message must arouse “needs” and suggest ways to meet those needs
4. Message must consider the “group situation” that receiver finds him/herself at the time when he/she is to make desired response
According to these conditions, communication was a success!

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