Tuesday, June 30, 2009

*A Brand that Stands for a Cause*

What’s this about?
H & M Campaign: “Fashion against AIDS”
H & M has decided to take matters into their own hands by creating a campaign that stands for a powerful cause. They have fused their talents of creating clothes that follow well with current and up-to-date fashion trends and the need to promote the awareness and resourceful knowledge of AIDS. They have gathered a collective group of celebrities to participate in the campaign; they include Tokyo Hotel, Katy Perry, Yelle, Estelle, NERD and Dita von Tesse. The collection consists of multiple t-shirts that are styled to fit into today’s fashion as well as promote the use of condoms and safe sex.

Why is this a Beneficial Campaign?
This campaign works because of its implementation. The campaign has proven to be successful through its many efforts of media coverage. Let’s analyze the Communication Marketing Mix:
-Advertising: It is more than obvious that H & M has used advertising as its primary means of media communication. They have taken advantage of the numerous amounts of featured celebrities and displayed their ads all over the city.
- Personal Selling: While purchasing your items at the register at the H & M store, the cashier may briefly describe the efforts of the campaign and attempt to give each customer a free condom wrapped inside of an information booklet about their cause.
- Public Relations: Many press releases were distributed to the media to inform them about this new campaign.
- Sales Promotion: Inside of the store, there are buying incentives for those looking into the campaign collection. They have tons of special deals and offers which keep consumers interested.
And Finally…
-Others…Someone who is interested in finding out about the cause can easily go online, enter search words and immediately find plenty of information on a detailed website about the campaign and its contents. They also use celebrity endorsements to their advantage by placing them to be the primary focus of their campaign; ultimately attracting the attention of an interested society as a whole.


-H & M has proved to its customers and the rest of society that they are, once again, capable of executing a campaign that stands behind a worthy cause

-They substantially meet all requirements that rightfully say their campaign has taken them through step-by-step of the Communication Marketing Mix.


Monday, June 29, 2009

*TrAveL WiTh No LiMiTs*

***Click here to view an amazing commercial Advertising the beautiful country of Jordan http://tinyurl.com/l7lq56

As difficult as it may be to believe, Europe being very popular in tourism did not have much to offer to anyone looking to travel. I kept my eyes open for any single piece of advertisement through diverse channels of media regarding traveling and other outside cities or countries. I’m not sure why this is, but seems interesting that there would be none.

After arriving to Paris and getting comfortable in my hotel, I turn on the television and immediately take notice to a commercial advertising the luxuries of Jordan, a country in the Middle East. Within that half-hour I saw that commercial about three times, not to mention the amount of times I saw that same commercial by the end of the night. As time went on, I began to notice that there were commercials and advertisements about different European vacation cities all over Paris television. The cities being marketed included Macedonia, Greece, Ibiza, Croatia, Montenegro and, as previously mentioned, Jordan.

I took notice to the fact that all of the TV commercials were not only in English, but were also being targeted to American travelers. These commercials were being played on the many English channels that were offered in the hotels. Each country used a different advertising and persuasion strategy to lure their prospective visitors. For example, Jordan used its exotic characteristics and how one can make their trip unique and like no other by experiencing things with luxury the Middle Eastern way and Greece used a family attempt, luring its prospective guests with a family connection, promising and displaying family fun, new discoveries and forever memories.

In taking a closer look into all of the commercials as they were displayed , I observed their communication abilities and whether they were a success, considering it seemed to be the only way that travel and destination were being marketed from what I’ve yet to see in Europe. All of the above countries achieved success in the Four Basic Condition of Success in Communication (Prof. Villar, Shcramm 1955).
These conditions are:
1. Message must gain attention
2. Message must use signs which refer to common experiences between source and receiver
3. Message must arouse “needs” and suggest ways to meet those needs
4. Message must consider the “group situation” that receiver finds him/herself at the time when he/she is to make desired response
According to these conditions, communication was a success!

Making it a Bigger World

The very first minority advertisement that I saw during my time in Europe.
This picture was taken outside of a children’s clothing store in the shopping district of Paris, France. There was more than one advertisement and consisted of a mixture of young girls and boys of Asian descent.

The United States keeps its regulars used to viewing advertisements with people of various different cultures. Each brand uses its own method and strategy when deciding what people to use in its advertising, yet still keeping an open mind in attempts to target an entire market.

Here, in Europe, things seem to be a little different. Pretty much every advertisement uses a European model, while they all look somewhat similar, fair skin with brunette or blonde hair.

Paris, France is where I had the pleasure of encountering my first minority ad; it was bold, visible and clear for everyone to see. It stood out from all of the rest because it was different, using someone visibly different. However, this wasn’t too much of a surprise to me in Paris because it is an extremely accepting and diverse city. This works in Paris, as opposed to perhaps Germany because of the international and intercultural influence within the city. I’m not so sure that this particular ad would have been as successful in other European countries. If other cities include minorities in their ads, then it could possibly increase their target market and potential audience. I’m sure the advertisers and agencies took into account the research they would have to do in order to use a minority in their ad and whether it would work or not. What I also noted interesting about this particular ad is that the company had only used ethnic minorities in its advertisements. Does it suggest a specific target audience?

Upon arriving in Barcelona, Spain, I also paid attention to their wide variety of ethnic minority advertising within the city. It was mainly displayed in the train stations and most of them were ads for upcoming events and performances that the city has to offer for its tourists. All in all, I have concluded that, as discussed in class, each geographic area markets specifically to their local audience. This has been proven to me in Germany, Barcelona, Paris and Prague, with some exceptions.

~!*Musique, Kultur y Diseño*!~

Paris has an exceptional night life with everything to offer. This includes wide varieties of shopping, eating opportunities of all cultures, theatre shows and operas, nightclubs and what seemed like millions of bars on every street corner.

Interestingly, while in Paris I did not hear any music that originated from Paris, France or any of its musicians. Instead I heard lots of Hispanic music, ranging from meringue to batchata and then lots of English music, majority of it being hip hop.

During my stay, I have learned that Paris is open minded and accepting to all types of cultures and styles, in many ways like Miami!

Paris was one big melting pot with people coming together from all over the world. Whether or not the reason being its ever-popular tourist attraction, the Eiffel Tower, Paris was still extremely culturally accepting.

Not Traditional...Inventive!

Who are they?

The Blue Man Group

The Blue Man Group is an entire creative organization that is influenced by art and music. They dedicate themselves to creating exciting and innovative work in a wide variety of media and are best known for their widely popular theatrical shows and concerts which combine music, comedy and multimedia theatrics to produce a totally unique form of entertainment. This party atmosphere created at their live events has become the trademark of a Blue Man Group experience. At this present time, their live stage shows can be seen in New York, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, Tokyo and Berlin. (http://www.blueman.com/about/whatis)

What makes them so special?

This organization has managed to pour itself all over and throughout the streets of Berlin. Their marketing team has put together a promotions plan with intentions to attack Berlin, stand ground and make certain that all of the people of the city know they exist and that they need to be seen. If you haven’t seen them yet, no worries, be sure that you will. They are everywhere, on the walls, on cars, on bycicles, billboards, posters, digital ads, inside of trains, on the floor, and even on the stairs as you make your way in and out of the metro stations. They have managed to go above and beyond by making creative and intriguing appereances throughout the city, creating anticipation for what they have to offer. Even I was convinced!

They are also a great example of an organization that used the AIDA model (hierarchy or effects)

Here are some other examples of Non-traditional advertising and promotional strategies:

*A clip of a pen that is advertising a politician.

*The stairs leading into the subway in the city. There are arrows pointing you into the direction of the restaruant.

*A portable magnet promoting Coca-Cola. Brand Recognition.

*O2 with advertisments in top of a telephone booth

*If you look closely you'll be able to see that the camera company is using style and design to attract consumers. They are displayed on multiple screens that are lined up one behind the other.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sex and Beauty in the Advertising World

*Heidi Klum
*Douglas (Cosmetic Retail Chain)
Germany’s own, Heidi Klum, becomes the latest celebrity endorsement model for Douglas Cosmetic Store. Both Heidi Klum and Douglas were a part of a campaign that was done in conjunction with DKMS LIFE to support women with cancer by organizing cosmetic workshops. With them, she has appeared in many TV commercials and print ads.

Observing Cultural Differences
There is a bit of an obvious difference in the methods of advertising between America and various European countries. Taking Germany into consideration when analyzing this concept, it seems as though images of Sex & Beauty vary depending on the market it is advertised in. The advertisements using beauty and women to promote a product do not seem as obvious to spot as the ones in America. American ads are much more revealing, with goals of selling the woman and her assets to seek a later result of cr
eating interest in the product.
They often feel the need to photograph women with exceptionally fit bodies, exposing as much as possible or displaying these same women with massive sex appeal, no matter what the product is. On the contrary, I have noticed that perhaps advertisers using women in their ads in the city are attempting to be successful in selling the product. Yes, beauty and image is still a strategy in their many methods of product persuasion, but it is not the primary focus. The many ads displayed throughout the city are somewhat similar. In many ways, the women are not too revealing, they are not positioned erotically or in overexaggerated sexual poses. Together, they display the true flowing beauty of the woman, leaving a bit more focus on what is ultimately important; the product.

When considering the overall ethical value and that same value as it differs culturally, it is just another example of the idea that different beliefs apply and are accepted in different locations. According to the observations that I have gathered, it is safe to say that the ethical values in the two countries are viewed quite differently.

Does this implied theory still sell/benefit?
In America, we are taught, through visible results and years of success, that “Sex Sells.” It is a common theory that is widely used throughout the Integrated Communications World. In looking at this theory, it is questionable whether or not the German advertising approach would be well accepted in America. Not to say that the advertising would be frowned upon, instead, that the advertisements may not be perceived by consumers as quickly as sexually-based advertisements would. However, this method seems to be extremely successful in Germany, without depending on stepping out of their boundaries and following suit.

  • There is an obvious cultural difference in advertising methods between Germany and America
  • This helps to prove that different things are culturally accepted differently in different locations
  • German advertisement methods are well-executed and still successful

P.S. A little something Extra…
While on my journey throughout Europe, I have come to notice that advertising and marketing campaigns widely vary in content depending on location and specific whereabouts, as well as the particular society that occupies that city and their customs and beliefs.
On my short visit to Prague, I immediately took notice to the fact that their advertisements containing images and messages of sex and beauty where far different than what I had been seeing in Berlin and the rest of Germany. They seem much more acceptable to revealed women and direct messages to sex and other relating topics. Here are some examples of advertisements in Prague:


Monday, June 1, 2009

First Impressions of IMC in Berlin

Environtmentally Friendly First Impressions

Along with many other amazing things, the city of Berlin has left a wonderfully impacting first impression on me. From the generously nice people to the dramatic, yet still comfortable, change in weather. I am left with positive thoughts and a positive outlook on my many experienced to come during my three week stay here.

One of my most fascinating encounters within my first three days is Berlin’s use of IMC in relation to their great and successful efforts to promote environmentally friendly living. Not only have the adopted eco-friendly living habits, which include waste awareness and water-saving awareness, but they have managed to tie advertising into it all.

This photo was taken at a Café located inside of the Sony Center. Upon leaving the bathroom I immediately noticed that there were advertisements located on the paper towels in which are used to dry your hands. My first thoughts: This is clever, what a way to save. It turns out; Berlin is always looking for new and effective ways to stay environmentally friendly. This method was particularly chosen in order to save money as well as stray away from having to use Germany’s yellow pages (which don’t do that well for companies) while keeping the environment in mind.

Berlin has managed to promote a number of different services that cater to the eco-friendly mind while remaining eco-friendly. One of the most popular, being their ever-so common Smart Car.
E-mobility Berlin is a new campaign that began in 2009. Daimler and RWE call it “Embarking on the Age of Electro-mobility.” These cars are environmentally compatible and have a customer-friendly mobility concept. “These provide locally emission-free driving, thus making a considerable contribution toward protecting the environment and reducing dependency on fossil fuels.” (Daimler.com)

Another neat thing about these smart cars is that they are also used for advertising.

They also have non-stop reminders of their recycling opportunities all over the city, for example, separate recycling bins located everywhere and reminders about trading your empty beer bottles in for money.

Blog Highlights

-First impressions of Berlin have surpassed my expectations
-Berlin has proven in many ways to be and environmentally friendly city.
-The city uses itself to promote a Green lifestyle by using its own resources and inventing better, more reliable ones.

My Expectations of Berlin

Before I Depart

It seems as though everyone has been to Europe but ME! Everyone has something different to say as well as their own individual experiences from their trip that make Europe stand out in some particular way. It is obvious that in traveling from the United States to Europe, specifically Germany there will be many cultural differences, some to which may even be shocking. While preparing for my trip I slowly began to anticipate these differences; leaving me with many mixed feelings of nervousness, excitement, anxiety and happiness all in one. Based on everything I’ve heard and seen, I am expecting to see many things from many different angles than what I have been culturally used to throughout my life. Many of these things relating to Germany’s landscape, its people and its technological advancements.


My expectations began to stem from the idea that Germany would provide my eyes with the type of architecture and landscape that would come of a shock to me. Many visions of antique/gothic style buildings that grew tall above the city came to mind. I imagined them to be very detailed in their carvings and spaced tightly together as if the buildings on a street were one long wall, leaving no room for alley-ways. I did not expect to see much open land, as many people continued to stress the fact that Berlin is a City, a busy one at that. I was NOT expecting this city to be a duplicate of New York’s Manhattan, on the contrary, I was expecting the city to be more organized yet still one of the most technologically advanced. I imagined very narrow streets with lots to see, colors everywhere and the roads being taken over by cars emitting gas into the atmosphere all over.

As thoughts of Germany’s people came to mind, anticipations of a culture not so diverse came to mind many times. I didn’t expect many people from around the world to be living there. Although, on a brighter note, I did imagine a much more active and personally connected community than what I have ever been used to. I imagine this big city to feel like a small country town, where everyone is friendly, helpful and more than willing to interact with one another to create a place more like home. I imagined their way of life to be a lot like ours in the sense that things are fast paced, the people are career driven and up and ready to make things happen at all times by any means possible, and a lot different in the sense that they do now go by a work-to-live and live-to-work standard, instead maybe they are a whole lot more laid back than we are. That would be a bit of a change =)

Last but not least, and most importantly interesting to me is the mechanics of the city from a Communications point of view. I expected many great things from the city’s technological aspects. I imagined there to be endless amounts of advertising that would continue to blow me away along with tall skyscraper buildings that are more architecturally advanced than I could imagine. I expected a young, hip and fresh city with lights and colors everywhere along with a chance to see some of the biggest company headquarters known around. Along with the obvious expectations of technological advancements that we all may have had, I also expected there to be an excessive amount of multimedia advertising such as digital ads, giant skyscraper ads, three dimensional ads and digital billboards.

Blog Highlights

-Cultural differences between the US and Germany are expected
-Many differences in Architecture, Landscape, Townspeople, City Life and Scenery, technology and differences in the communications realm are expected